Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Make a Difference

It's easy to make a buck. {It is tough to make lotsa bucks } It's a lot tougher to make a difference. ~Tom Brokaw

All you have to do is very easy !!!
Send me a mail/scrap/sms with "Don't Bother Me Again" as the message -- and I will keep that in mind.

Or you can exercise your choice -- you can reach out, touch a life and MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

What can I do ? (And like you, I don't actually know her.)
I will ensure that your contribution reaches Neetha and is used for her benefit alone.
Most of you are not even in Bangalore :- I will ensure that you actually get your 80G receipt delivered to you.
And I will ensure that I raise the average of the total contribution with my own.

If you want to contribute -- let me know !!

I can make a difference -- But together we can make lot of difference.

So what are you making today ?


Echo Narcissus said...

We are planning to visit Neetha on 23rd of February, in the morning session.

Let me know if you are interested.

Echo Narcissus said...

Saturday, 23rd Feb, we (that would be Dhanya {http://itsmyspace.blogspot.com} valiantly leading me) went to Narayana Hruduyalaya.

We had some initial confusion at the Charitable Trust Office, with some contribution eligible for 80G and some not but with Dhanya's expertise we managed to successfully navigate through it -- The officials were actually quite helpful and courteous.

Neetha is in the Bone Marrow Transplatation ward.
We managed to meet Neetha's cousin. Neetha was having an unusual low-RBC count and no one other than her mother was allowed to be near her.

Although the consulting doctor, Dr Sharat Damodar was not available, we (luckily) chanced upon Dr Vinitha who happens to be Dhanya's long time friend. And she passed us some valuable information.

Neetha's youngest sisters was foumd to have a matching bone marrow and she is the the donor.
The transplant surgery has been completed (on Monday 17th) and Neetha is under constant observation and will remain so for the the next 6 weeks

With a silent prayer in our heart, here is wishing Neetha a happy recovery.